{# parse all active captive portal zones and create redirect rules where transparent mode is enabled #} {% for cp_zone in cp_interface_list %} {% if cp_zone.obj.transparentHTTPProxy|default('0') == '1' %} # HTTP redirect {{ cp_zone.zone }} add 60005 skipto 65533 tcp from me to any dst-port 80 via {{ cp_zone.if }} add 65532 fwd,{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.port }} tcp from any to any dst-port 80 via {{ cp_zone.if }} {% endif %} {% if cp_zone.obj.transparentHTTPSProxy|default('0') == '1' %} # HTTPS redirect {{ cp_zone.zone }} add 60005 skipto 65533 tcp from me to any dst-port 443 via {{ cp_zone.if }} add 65532 fwd,{{ OPNsense.proxy.forward.sslbumpport }} tcp from any to any dst-port 443 via {{ cp_zone.if }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}